All events at Byron Bay Community Centre, 69 Jonson Street, Byron Bay
Friday 3rd May Byron Bay Community Centre
From 1:00pm. Registration in Foyer of Community Centre
2:00 - 5:00pm. Hello! milonga DJ Wendy (Brisbane) - Main Auditorium
2:00 - 5:00pm. Alternate "deconstructed tango" milonga (Neotango) DJ Esther (Byron Bay) upstairs rooms
6:00pm. Drinks - Bar Opens
7:30pm - Midnight. Welcome Milonga with DJ Han (Brisbane) and live music by the Mendoza Tango Quartet - Main Auditorium
Saturday 4th May Byron Bay Community Centre
From 9:30am. Registration in Foyer
10:00am - 12:30pm. Immersion class 1 with Bruno and Rocio [Red pass] - Main Auditorium
10:00am - 1:00pm. Informal milonga DJ Lydia (Brisbane)- Upstairs rooms
1:00 - 2:00pm. Workshop 1 [Blue pass]-Main Auditorium Topic: "The universe of OCHOS".
2:00 - 5:00pm. Informal milonga + Chacharera workshop with Mona & Sonny at 4pm. DJ Mona (Sydney)- Upstairs rooms
4:00 - 5:30pm. Piazzolla Concert by Mendoza Quartet and Friends [Not included in festival passes. Purchase online byrontheatre.com or at door] - Main Auditorium
6:00pm. Drinks - Bar Opens
8:00pm - 1:00 am. Festival Milonga with DJ Alex (Sydney), live music by Festival Orquesta Tipica and performances by Bruno Tombari and Rocio Lequio- Main Auditorium
Sunday 5th May Byron Bay Community Centre
10:00am - 12:30pm.Immersion class 2 with Bruno and Rocio [Red pass] - Main Auditorium
10:00am - 1:00pm. Informal milonga DJ Arda - Upstairs rooms
1:30 - 2:30pm. Workshop 2 [Blue pass]- Main Auditorium Topic: "Vals: circular & chained moves"
2:00 - 5:00pm. Informal "silent" milonga with DJ Alex (Sydney) Upstairs rooms
3.30 - 4:30pm. Guided practica with Bruno and Rocio [Red pass] - Main Auditorium
6:00pm. Drinks - Bar Opens
7:00pm - 11:00pm. Farewell Milonga with DJ Rosario (Melbourne) - Main Auditorium
Festival Registration. All events are at the Byron Community Centre, found in Jonson Street, Byron Bay. The registration desk will be open from 1pm on Friday 3rd May 2024.
Immersion Classes. Please note that the immersion classes are for experienced dancers. As a rule of thumb, circa 5 years of tango dancing and attending classes, workshops and practicas. Limited to 30 couples.
The festival is centred on a group of dance couples who commit to a weekend of intense learning with internationally recognised instructors. This year Rocio Lequio and Bruno Tombari will lead the immersion classes, consisting of 2x 2.5hr “seminars”, plus a guided practica. The structure of each seminar will be fluid and interactive to maximise learning and retention.
Bruno and Rocio have developed a "game" called DUELO CRIOLLO® that will form the basis of the two seminars. The idea of is to check the options suggested on cards (yes, 40 of them!) and then work on them with help and guidance.
Seminar 1: The base, the embrace, the presence. Change of dynamic from rhythmic patterns.
Seminar 2: How to deal with the space and give a new shape to known moves + combination of elements: squeeze your own moves to the maximum.
Guided Practica.
To consolidate learning, Bruno and Rocio will be present at a guided practica on Sunday afternoon. It will be an open forum to clarify what was covered in class as well as practical help for couples.
Tango Workshops. These workshops are designed to extend and deepen the skill of dancers in a specific subject matter. Requires competency in tango danciing; absolutely not suitable for those with basic skills only. Limited to 30 couples.
Workshop 1: The universe of OCHOS: from the simple stuff to the complex options
Workshop 2: Vals: circular and chained movements into the music.
Milongas. A series of six morning and afternoon informal milongas are held in the upstairs room, each with a different guest DJs. There is a formal milonga each evening with music by DJs and live music on Friday and Saturday by the Festival Orquesta Tipica, featuring members of the Mendoza Tango Quartet with guests musicians and singer Solange Lipcin.
Private Lessons. Bruno and Rocio will be available for private lessons from Thursday 2nd to Tuesday 7th May. Costings can be for one teacher (couple or single) or for two teachers (couple or single). For bookings SMS Conrad on 0413348186
Special Events. Since 2016 the Festival has hosted a concert highlighting a critical aspect of the music of Astor Piazzolla. This year, the Mendoza Tango Quartet and friends will feature tPiazzolla compositions as well as contemporary composers to create a "soundscape" of Buenos Aires.
This event is open to the general public and entry is not included in the festival passes. Tickets should be available at door or book beforehand at the Byron Bay Community Centre.