2020 Valentine Tango Ball
The 2020 Valentine Tango Ball will again be held in the air-conditioned comfort of the spectacular Concert Hall at the Brisbane Old Museum. It ticks all the tango dancer’s boxes for ambiance, great dance floor, perfect acoustics and the best music.
And our money helps to provide a home for Queensland’s youth orchestras and secure the future of promising musicians.
This year’s festivities could well be called the “Mendoza Music Festival” because, instead of dance classes that usually accompany the Valentine weekend, we will feature the musical brilliance of The Mendoza Tango Quartet with a series of workshops by members of the orchestra on various tango themes ( see below). At the Ball, Mendoza will be augmented with guest bandoneon and violin players to provide us with a Buenos Aires experience.
Booking is essential for this event as numbers are strictly limited. You have a choice of a table (10-12 places) or individual seats. Paying for a table will save you money. There is a reduced price for non-dancers. Purchase your ticket online from the booking museum site. If you encounter problems, please call 32574089 and speak to Sandra or Alannah.
Food is not provided but gourmet packs for two can be ordered at the booking site up to two days before the event. There is a drinks bar offering a variety of wines, beer and non-alcoholic beverages.
This year’s Valentine weekend is about tango music, tango singers and how they influence dancing. The talented musicians in Mendoza have agreed to share their considerable understanding of these topics. Particularly pleasing is the inclusion of a workshop on singers- a topic of interest for many dancers. Here is a schedule of milongas and workshops that will be held in airconditioned comfort at Montana Art Space in bohemian West End.
SUNDAY 16th February (held at Montana Art Space)
Workshop 1: The unique sound of tango music. 11.00am-12 noon.
This is a tutorial-style workshop where members of Mendoza discuss questions like: What is tango music? What gives famous dance orchestras their distinct sound? Are new tango orchestras emerging? Workshop 3 is a natural companion to this one.
Workshop 2: Dancing to the diverse textures and colours of the voice. 12.15-1.15pm
Finally a workshop about tango singers!! Solange Lipcin, the exquisite voice of Mendoza, will take us on a journey that (to paraphrase Sol) “focuses on famous voices in the history of Tango and how the dancers’ body responds to their emotions and expressions”. Take your tango shoes.
Workshop 3: Dancing to Golden Age and contemporary orchestras. 1.30-2.30pm
Mendoza received enthusiastic acclaim when they explored this theme at the 2019 Byron Bay Tango Festival. The theme is explored further in this interactive workshop. Take your tango shoes….
BOOKING WORKSHOPS. $35 for 1 workshop or $30 if booking for more. Pay by bank deposit. BSB 064158 ACC: 10290534 Name C.Sernia. Identify with surname and workshop number, eg. If you book workshop 2 &3, identifier is “Smith 2,3”. Enquiries SMS me on 0413348186.
No need to book milongas (except for the Valentine Ball!), simply pay $10 at door.
FRIDAY 14th February. 7.45- 11.00pm. Love Street Milonga.
This is a regular event by E-Tango. Interstate dancers are very welcome!
SATURDAY 15th February. 7.00 -11.30pm Valentine Tango Ball. Book at the Old Brisbane Museum.
SUNDAY 16th February. 3.00- 6.00pm Tangonut Milonga.
On this special occasion, Tnut has been transferred to the airconditioned comfort and informal setting of an art studio, Montana Art Space. Note the later 3pm start.
MONDAY 17th February. 7.00-10.00 pm. Milonga at Montana.
A special milonga to close the Valentine weekend festivities! Held at Montana Art Space.